Shala Guidelines

The shala address is Quakers Meeting House, 300 Gloucester Road, BS7 8PD. When you arrive please press the bell for ‘main room’ to the left of the blue double doors and we will buzz you in.

Moondays are holidays – no class. Check the Moonday page and add them to your calendar in advance.

Students can start and finish at anytime during class hours. Ashtanga Yoga is taught individually within the group setting so each student gets the attention and teaching they need.

Please do not feel you must do your full practice daily. The practice is there to support your life. Ten minutes daily is better than two hours once a week.

Wherever possible please start your practice in the front two rows. After backbending, please move to the back row for finishing and taking rest. In finishing please place your mats close together to allow each student a spot to finish.

If you are a beginner to Ashtanga Yoga, or to Ashtanga Bristol, please email Caroline on to set up a suitable date and time for your first class.

Students should bring their own mats to practice. There may be spares but it is not guaranteed.

As well as your sticky mat please bring one full length cotton or micro fibre mat and one small sweat towel. No other equipment or items around your mat are required and the teaching team will move any additional items to the sides of the room for safety reasons.

Please bathe before practice and keep your mat and yoga clothes clean.

Please avoid ‘warm ups’ or additional stretching. The suryanamaskaras and standing poses provide all the warm up you need (and anyway, it’s not about bending your body).

Please do not drink water during practice, unless you are pregnant or have a medical reason to do so. We are building up internal heat through the practice of linking breath and movement. Drinking kills this heat and some benefits are lost.

Ashtanga Yoga works best as a 5 or 6 day a week practice, taking one rest day (ideally on the same day) each week. We also rest on moondays (see upcoming dates here) and for women during the first few days of menstruation. It’s in your best interests to attend regularly 🙂

If you are visiting Bristol and have an established practice you are welcome to join us.

Enjoy your practice!
